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Linden grid account kathy.katz Port of origin Eisa
Name k4thy Model DAX/3m Serial number 998-40-3606
Kampff-Voet test status (?) NOT YET TESTED; TESTING REQUIRED Owner or affiliated organization Nanite Systems Corporation
Manufacturer Nanite Systems Corporation Date of manufacture 2017-10-31
Biography k4thy was built as a recreational and domestic service droid to help keep the Nanite Systems employees on Eisa happier  and more satisfied while they were so far from their homes.  When she is not working, she can often be found wandering around the colony, searching for something to do or someone to help.
last updated: 2018-11-12 18:08:45
DAX/3m k4thy
posted 5 years ago
Hanna-Maria "Hanako" Kuusisto
posted 5 years ago
Please provide us a picture of your character in your application.

And please we need much more information about your character in your biography, thank you.
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