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Linden grid account sinfulsasha.veeper
Name Lilith Sinjiko Model Succubus Serial number 998-74-7735
Kampff-Voet test status (?) NOT YET TESTED; TESTING REQUIRED Owner or affiliated organization Lestat Sinjiko
Manufacturer Sinjiko Industries Date of manufacture 1992-04-24
Biography She is a specially designed model from the Sinjiko Industries made to the CEO Lestat's special requests.

She has a adaptive AI that allows her almost seem human. Her personality makes her seem very cocky, unfiltered and a pure sin.

She is programmed to be able to handle most of everything, excluding combat.
last updated: 2019-05-01 15:40:45
Hanna-Maria "Hanako" Kuusisto
posted 5 years ago
Please provide us a picture of your character in your application.
Succubus Lilith Sinjiko
posted 5 years ago
I have added a imgur url to the application when I filled it out but its not apparently accepting that url... the url is https://imgur.com/jhSUFEb
Succubus Lilith Sinjiko
posted 5 years ago
nevermind my owner told me how to do it
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