Linden grid account salomon.endsleigh |
Name AD3-L1N3 | Model SXDjr | Serial number 888-57-9504 |
Manufacturer Nanite Systems Field Robotics Group | Date of manufacture 2017-08-11 |
AD3-L1N3 as a unit has an upper class motherly style to it that it takes on in a more homey environment. It's use of languages and grammar are kept in the posh scene when in these environments. The mannerisms fade away the more unfamiliar the unit is with a topic in these conditions or the further away they get from their residence.
The unit themselves displays a mixture of skills and uses. Being originally a nanny in design AD3-L1N3 has knowledge of cuisine. Basic to advanced she can make a dish from nearly anything edible it can analyze. Cleaning and elegant house organization is one of it's main drives and always persistent in such activities when at home. Basic teaching up to high-school level education are known but used very little. last updated: 2021-11-17 22:55:25