2015-01-12: The Nanite Systems Coghaven Facility shortly after its opening. This image is included as the first frame of the 'memory' sequence in SuperBit and Display Case products.2015-01-12: Door of the Recreational Cybernetics Group Conversion and Installation room. This image is the second frame of the 'memory' sequence. The banner announces the release of the DAX/2 version 7, which was based on conversion technology abandoned almost exactly 10 years earlier.2015-01-12: Dr. Ai Santei and SXD 999-54-5620, viewed from within the conversion tank in the aforementioned room. This image is the final frame of the 'memory' sequence. Most SXD conversions were performed in this tank.2015-03-09: The Coghaven Facility at night. The banner references lyrics from the title theme of the 1980 film Xanadu. This was the codename for the System 8 firmware, which, like the stately pleasure-dome of Kublai Khan, had initially seemed remote and unobtainable but was soon very real.2015-03-09: The whiteboard used as a public to-do list at the Coghaven Facility. This was eventually superseded by a less hectic webpage, Progress. Most of these goals were completed on time.2015-04-12: The Coghaven Facility was heavily populated for most of the day and held frequent spontaneous gatherings. From left to right: DAX/2 t3rra, DAX/2 k0koro, SXD yun0, SXD vi0let, and SXD rhet0rica.2015-05-16: The first iKitten, pictured shortly before the invention of the iKitten control taser and several months prior to the outbreak at Transarcadia. At left, SXD an1ka.2015-06-02: Due to an unfortunate conflict of interest, Nanite Systems departed Coghaven on June 2, 2015, making images taken on this day the final appearance of the Coghaven Facility. This shows the final state of the store's exterior. The banner at top celebrates the release of the first version of the Remote Console. After this date all images are from the new colony at Eisa (née Latexopolis) unless otherwise specified.2015-06-02: The front desk and central staircase of the Coghaven facility, with shop area at the right. The 'W.T. Snacks' sign on the desk was already an ancient and forgotten meme at the time, placed as a shibboleth to detect grognards.2015-06-02: The office of Dr. Ai Santei, who served as the head of robopsychology at NS Research from 2014 to 2018. Painting at left depicts her home city of Elysium, Mars. Painting at right depicts the birth of Galatea.2015-06-07: This early promotional picture depicts Eisa Colony while the initial build was still in progress. It is the only clear shot that illustrates the initial design for the colony, before it was given a second level. Like much early imagery it includes the name of a ship from the Culture series by Iain M. Banks as a slogan.2015-06-12: Uncropped box art for the NS Collectors' Display Case, one of the first pictures taken in the new building on Eisa. At top, the black display cases of the Eisa DCRC (Digital Courtesan) facility is just barely visible; it would later be moved to the fifth floor once the building was expanded. All of the display cases pictured are made of prims.2015-08-01: Party celebrating the opening of Wondaland, SXD c0ral's (Coyote Seattle's) hanging club that existed between the upper and lower levels of Eisa Colony. The floor was highly animated and delightfully hypnotic, but eventually the location was disfavored due to the heavy rendering cost of an open-air club.2015-08-06: The completed seven-story version of the Nanite Systems Main Campus. From top: landing pad (roof); executive offices, deep-cycle reconditioning cells, and executive kitchenette (floor 7); office of Ai Santei, server rooms, and meeting room (floor 6); meeting rooms, conversion rooms, and Digital Courtesan Relaxation Center (floor 5). The hard-light bridge at bottom center connects floor 5 to the upper tier of Eisa Colony.2015-08-06: The west side of the upper tier. From left: the New Eisa Media Building, Heyoka Inn, and the Twist Tower, a residential complex that remained notoriously unpopular with renters throughout its existence. The Media Building would eventually house a myNanite Financial bank branch, as well as offices for the magazines Bright Metallic and Dark Plastic.