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Linden grid account clairebeare Port of origin Eisa
Name CLA1R3 Model 860-11-343 Serial number 43-3845
Kampff-Voet test status (?) NOT YET TESTED; TESTING REQUIRED Owner or affiliated organization
Manufacturer Nanite Systems Communications (NANOCOM) Date of manufacture 2024-06-20
Biography Former military soldier riddled with too many injuries after a terrible fall from a building.  She is now considered a cyborg/bio-droid after an unknown contributor rebuilt her.  Memory of the event and the reconstruction are purged from the rebuilt soldier's mind after her reconstruction and eventual awakening.  Unit CLA1R3 has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, causing her to be more of the creative and scientific type.  This however does not mean that she will not fight or use her array of weapons and equipment, of which she is still discovering how much has been packed into her, to uphold peace.
last updated: 2024-10-01 22:40:06
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