Linden grid account xherria | Port of origin Sin-Labs & Black Dragon Oasis |
Name Xherria | Model 409-72-2284 | Serial number 409-72-2284 |
Manufacturer Sin-Labs | Date of manufacture 05/06/2016 |
Having found and signed up for a program that would use her body for medical research, she seen nothing to lose. The business would transfer funds to her uncle and to cancer researches.
As she went to sleep for the last time, she was scared but happy knowing she would be leaving the world alittle brighter...little did she know, her body was transformed, mind mapped out and upgraded to a Alpha 'Living Controlled AI' program.
Waking up for the first time was a mistake, an ornery old man that was in a shop groped her and shocked her systems awake before being fully upgraded, her first thoughts were "Who is this man grabbing her, where am I...why am I in this box?"
She got out and away with alittle force, and effort. Being upgraded with a new NightFall Unit made it easy, she was amazed at her new speed, power, and skill.
Not knowing where to go, the first place she went was to her Uncles only to find his house empty. Without her being around he went into depression, stopped eating, and being looked after he slowly faded away.
Not knowing what to do or where to go, she found herself in a Cyber Sex shop, scared but needing money for upkeep she agree'd to be programmed for 'escorting' which took well with her new enhanced body. Later she found herself hired at a Club as an entertainer...and now she's somewhat content in her new life, alittle annoyed as her pack is played with but she's learned to deal with it. last updated: 2016-07-03 20:01:23