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Linden grid account sarahkath
Name cl4ire Model Serial number SXD-998-37-7782
Kampff-Voet test status (?) NOT YET TESTED; TESTING REQUIRED Owner or affiliated organization Nanite Systems Corporation
Manufacturer Nanite Systems Corporation Date of manufacture
Reason for immigrating New Unit Biography She's witty, intelligent, jovial and perhaps a little too stubborn. But this is all just a facade, a mechanism to deal with her new position.

She was born in an ordinary family in a merchant community. She lived out of trouble until she was about 16 years old, but at that point life began to change.

Some would call it seeking adventure, others would call it falling in the with somewhat 'unsavory' characters, nevertheless, she has had good reason to seek a more anonymous life.

Fleeing the authorities, she soon found herself on Eisa working with Nanite Systems assisting with laboratory work

last updated: 2017-02-25 21:46:42
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