Linden grid account fouhasai |
Name Ailith | Model DAX/3 | Serial number 998-29-8009 |
Manufacturer Nanite Systems | Date of manufacture 2017-04-24 |
Date of Manufacture 2017-04-24
No recent violations of code.
No reports.
Recently activated.
Her original chassis was built completely by a gynoid collector, but upon messing up with their test subjects coding and knowing it was illegal to build sentient gynoids without the correct permits and qualifications, they never reported the error. Instead the unit was abandoned and remained shut down for 12 moon cycles- an entire year. The land ownership changed, and a wireless charger was introduced to the grounds, eventually, slowly waking up the abandoned unit in 2019-03-23
Built to be modifiable, Ailith wandered and found her way to Eisa, feeling welcome and loved by those who are like her, and know about her kind. She was updated to the most recent version, and was able to start figuring out what she wanted to do. Really, most of the time she forgot she was AI at all... Her chassis constantly changing, something was still missing, and her search for someone to serve kept taking more and more time out of her day.
Many tried to lay claim to her, but she rejected them just like she had once been rejected, cold, fast and without remorse.
Until she found someone who she felt understood by, and cared by. last updated: 2019-05-18 14:07:59