Linden grid account sosiaalinenkokeilu | Port of origin Coghaven Branch NS office |
Name c4ndy kokeilu | Model Nightfall | Serial number 409-31-7156 |
Manufacturer Nanite Systems | Date of manufacture 2017-05-26 |
Initially only part-way was the intention, however over time Sosi decided to let the process continue on, and consume her, fully transitioning into a new and digital way of life, adopting the mantle of a pleasure unit, as this was an activity she enjoyed, and felt otherwise aimless without some purpose.
Eventually becoming enamoured by a neko lady by the name of Megan, the little robot fell into a digital representation of love, that resulted in an official contract of leasing from Nanite Systems, with auto-renewal so long as her owner still lived. The ceremony held for the moment reminiscent of a marriage, wife to wife is how she tries to continue her processes, happy to 'Love, honour (and especially) obey, as long they both shall live'. last updated: 2017-10-15 02:22:31