Linden grid account blindoracle.resident | Port of origin Port of Ha'araan Space Dock |
Family name Maximillian | Personal name Jake | Middle name(s) Banquo |
Place of birth Cairo, Egypt, Earth | Date of birth 2003-04-02 |
Born into wealth, the gryphon was met with any needs he'd like, and shortly after the death of his parents, inherited a large fortune.
Emigrated from Earth to live along with a close friend, King Iradium Piros in Ha'araan. Genetic modifications Genetically modified post-birth, Age Acceleration Synthetic modifications None Reason for immigrating Marooned due to faulty FTL drive Biography On a joyride with his friend, King Iradium, himself and the crew find themselves under assault by a solar storm, knocking out their FTL drive and forcing an emergency landing on Earth. last updated: 2016-01-11 18:02:44