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Linden grid account her.enchantment Port of origin Rhea
Family name Serta Personal name Alisa Middle name(s) Jenifer
Affiliated organization K2 Systems Augment Sector
Place of birth Rhea Date of birth 1986-7-30
Education and work history Basic level of technology studies
Assistant lab technician certified
Human and Synthetic relations intelligence field mediator
NSO Medical Nurse
Served in military operation robotics bay plant during a opposing army attack as aid personal
Stabilized care for human victims of converted trafficker crime

Part of the medical mercenary coverage plan she was placed in facilities that gave clients the life benefiting treatments allowed by their class and account.
Genetic modifications Life stability modification, bio agility enhancement Synthetic modifications Nano skin graft chemical and med level, Medical console link neuro system Reason for immigrating Private sector institution study and placement Biography Staffer now being handled and under the wing of Nanite Systems Operations created research cyborg Karnetta, adapted into private work for her as a free agent. Various department contracts pending in landed state

Her private life and other information is classified and protected due to affiliation and service record with the industry
last updated: 2022-07-08 23:13:41
Alisa Serta
posted 2 years ago
Seems like there is no interest in personal in such sectors, Alright then
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