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Linden grid account taliaiv Port of origin Earth
Family name Auscorvidae Personal name Laura Middle name(s) Tia
Affiliated organization Tai Yong Laboratory
Place of birth Cherokee, NC Date of birth 1982-10-31
Education and work history Genetic modifications None Synthetic modifications brain in jar full cybernetic Reason for immigrating interstellar Expansion of the company Biography Disgraced scion of a mid-sized shipping company's CEO. Auscorvidae Shipping, "We give your package wings!". She didn't follow in her father's footsteps, instead turning her eye to Tai Yong Labs (TYL) as a scientist. Made some breakthrough discoveries, quickly rising through the ranks to a Director role. CEO decided they wanted to "preserve their legacy" via a brain upload, something went wrong during the process and they needed full conversion, but as robots are not considered legal "people" an actual person was needed to drive the company. Laura, as the visionary that carried TYL to some of its current height, and as the person who oversaw the conversion of the previous CEO (who is now the company's mascot robot after a few reconditionings) Laura was tapped to fill the role. As part of her visionary work that got her the Director position, she invented a number of radical new methods for doing things, but since there is always a rush to get new products to market there wasn't time to get normal test, slip ups left her self Converted by her own radical new mthods but still human she was the only one to take control of the Company she loved and in the end proving her father wrong
last updated: 2025-01-03 20:42:09
Laura Auscorvidae
posted a month ago
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