Linden grid account corporal.clarrington | Port of origin Eridanus (Mars) |
Family name Sydney | Personal name Montague | Middle name(s) James |
Place of birth Victoria Crater, Meridani Planum, Mars | Date of birth 04/23/10 |
- Received NCO education
- Received Officer education
- Field medical training (advanced) Genetic modifications None Synthetic modifications None Reason for immigrating Trade negotiations and overseeing protection of goods. Biography Born on mars, enlisted with the alliance navy from a young age. Worked his way up the ranks of the marine division. Made officer 3 times. Demoted once, Resigned once, And officer again currently. Transferred to the Admin division and currently works the R&D department. Currently on Eisa to continue trade negotiations and run protection on goods. last updated: 2016-03-21 21:39:33