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Linden grid account ai.numbers Port of origin Elysium, Mars
Family name Santei Personal name Ai
Affiliated organization Nanite Systems Corporation
Place of birth London, United Kingdom, Earth Date of birth 1983-07-16
Education and work history EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
Human Resources, Nanite Systems Recreational Cybernetics Group (September 2014–present)
Human Resources, Nanite Systems Orbital Defense Systems Division (September 2006–August 2014)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Tei Tenga Abnormal Psychology Research Program (May 2003–July 2006)

PhD in Behavioral Psychology, Olympus Mons Polytechnic (September 1998–April 2003)
BS in Behavioral Psychology, University of Elysium (September 1993–June 1998)
Reason for immigrating Managing HR at Nanite Systems Biography
last updated: 2017-10-11 21:29:02
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