Linden grid account tizzy.calliope | Port of origin Cape Canaveral, Earth |
Family name Montraga | Personal name Anna |
Place of birth Mystic, CT, United States, Earth | Date of birth 1985-04-13 |
Secure Cybertronics, R&D
Nanite Systems, R&D Genetic modifications None Synthetic modifications Jarhead cyborg (entirely robotic except for brain) Reason for immigrating Transferred by employer Biography Annabelle Johnson Montraga is a trans woman who worked at Secure Cybertronics, a smallish company which developed cyborg hardware. She mostly performed penetration testing as a "white-hat hacker", but she became jaded and cynical due to her experiences with corporate culture. Nevertheless, after a stellar work history, as part of her job, Anna was given a custom cyborg chassis as with a DAX/2 Mini base. This happened on September 7, 2015, one day before the release of the DAX/2 Mini's successor, the NS-115 Scout. She is on SC's internal record saying that she anticipated that the Metalloplastic skin would make her more attractive; however, no amount of attractiveness could compensate for the fact that she is something of a shy, introverted misanthrope.
Near the end of 2016, which was something of a financial disaster for the company, Secure Cybertronics was bought out by Nanite Systems. Her managers at SC immediately transferred her to Eisa, but during the reorganization, Nanite Systems laid off a considerable amount of SC's staff, including Anna. After a year of unemployment on Eisa, Anna applied for a technician position at Nanite Systems, and was hired at the end of 2017 and upgraded to a DAX/3 Mini controller in mid-2018.
((Oh -- incidentally, there's also a small-time gray- and black-hat hacker with the username "NotAnAnagram" going around the message boards, mostly those of the Underground, who might be willing to perform unscrupulous jobs for economical prices and/or sleazy acts at a reasonable price. Whoever this hacker is, though, they've been careful to avoid leaving any obvious tracks, and in any event they haven't caused enough actual trouble to get very high on NanoSec's list of priorities, and they've had virtually no activity of any kind since April of 2018.)) last updated: 2020-04-28 00:46:32