Linden grid account nachtengel.reisler | Port of origin Tau Ceti-f |
Family name Reisler | Personal name Herr Prof. Dokter Nachtengel | Middle name(s) N/A |
Place of birth Wiesbaden, Germany, Earth | Date of birth 1970 - 09-05 |
1990 - 1994: Undergraduate studies at Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) Germany, Earth, interned at various archeao sites in Europe.
1994 - 1996: Masters degree SUNY Stonybrook USA, Earth, began working at the site at Cydonia Mensa, Mars
1996 - 2000: PhD - Utopia Planitia University, Utopia Planitia, Mars
2000 - present: Various sites and locations while working with the SAA (Search for Alien Artifacts) Project. Most recently as director of the project at the Tau Ceti-f location.
Genetic modifications N/A Synthetic modifications None to speak of, recently applied for audio enhancement to combat loss of hearing Reason for immigrating Study, exploration, teaching and relaxation - possible retirement (Not necessarily in that order) Biography "We're not alone in the universe. Someday I'll prove it." Nachtengel Reisler at age ten, gazing at stars with Uncle Otto.
From a young age Engel was interested in life beyond the stars. As years went by he studied as much as he could on his own, reading books from the local library, talking to teacher and Professors at universities and anyone else he could find. As time and fortune allowed he furthered his education, first locally, then abroad and finally off-planet.
After years of study he earned the title "Herr Professor Doktor" and recently became Director of one of the SAA projects. As time progressed and he spent more time in the field, his hair became almost constantly bleached to a near white. Has the team found anything conclusive? He'd love to talk to you about it but nothings been published yet.
Outside of work and studies you'll find him hiking new trails (un)dressed as comfortably as possible, curling up before a warm fire reading Chaucer or his secret penchant, pulp science fiction. You'll also often find him playing with "small furry things" and children at local playgrounds, usually as a storyteller. He fancies himself a Victorian Gentleman and Steam-Punk role-player, enjoying weekend events wherever he may find them. Enjoying quiet afternoons laying on a raft in the middle of a lake is one of his favoured pastimes.
Mostly retired, he finds himself on Eisa preparing for another SAA project ( due to the discovery of the "Relic" controller ) and hopes of settling down, fully retiring and possibly taking a teaching position.
In the meantime you can find him in the arcade conversing with the units and humans alike. However, late at night a wistful and almost sad look often crosses his face. It's as if he's remembering a part of the past he wishes never disappeared. A moment later, he's his normal self.
(( Work in Progress. Prone to constant changes and updates. )) last updated: 2020-01-11 19:56:21