Linden grid account drumgo | Port of origin Eridanus, Mars |
Name drumg0 | Model NS-115 | Serial number 115-98-1820 |
Manufacturer Al Faisallah Industries | Date of manufacture 2013-01-29 |
The unit was purchased by the Androtech robotics company in 2017 and used as a security asset until the company was shut down by federal agents for racketeering and evidence of illegal human roboticization. The company's assets were impounded as evidence.
Following the Androtech trial, drumg0 was purchased at an FBI auction by Andrei Javik. drumg0 was refurbished as a recreational and security asset at Javik Station.
[Author's note:]
Michael T. Drumgo was a U.S. federal agent born on Mars colony in 1984. He was sent undercover to investigate and to build a case against the owner of Androtech.
He was captured and subjected to forced roboticization. His disappearance led to the arrest and conviction of Androtech's owner.
His human memories were eradicated during the roboticization process and his origin as a security bot was fabricated by Androtech.
He may or may not have knowledge of true nature as a former human. last updated: 2020-05-08 13:11:12