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Linden grid account velannabardo Port of origin Titan
Family name Bardo Personal name Velanna
Affiliated organization Eto Labs
Place of birth Olympia, Mars Date of birth 1994-06-23
Education and work history Educational overview:
Olympia Private Sector Schooling - Completed.
IMDF Training - Completed.
IMDF Specialization - Completed.
University of Elysium - Completed, multiple courses completed beyond requirement.
Educationally specific courses taken from Universities on Earth - Courses completed.
Educationally specific courses taken from Shuijiao Research Institute - Courses completed.

Work overview:
Applied - University of Elysium - Temporary state employment.
Recruited - Elysium private sector - Employed until transferred.
Recruited - IMDF Secure Research Division - Researcher and scientist of IMDF. State employment.
Recruited - Titan private sector - Researcher and scientist for Eto Labs, under joint research with IMDF.

Genetic modifications IMDF modifications. Eto labs modifications. All paperwork attached. Synthetic modifications Standard IMDF modification listings, non-combative. Eto labs, limited body enhancements. All paperwork attached. Reason for immigrating Vacation, tourism and relaxation. Biography Born on mars and raised in Olympia, Elysium and Eridanus. Acquired thorough education which was completed at a early age. Acquired further education, employment and IMDF training as a citizen of Mars. Current residence listed as a station within Saturn's, specifically Titan's, orbit.

Off duty non-combat military personnel, IMDF. Citizen of Mars. No criminal history in any sector.

Details on family history, personal history, work specifics and other information  to be accessed only by filed requests sent to Mars/Terran, to IMDF. Medical information accessible by appropriate personnel when required.

Necessary legal information in attached documents.
last updated: 2018-06-23 16:24:53
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