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The Ride of the v4lkyries

When: Sept 26, 2015, 6-9 PM SLT
Where: The Landing Pad, Eisa
What: Darkwave, EBM, Ska, and Rock
Who: SXD v4lkyrie DJing

Celebrating Nanite Systems CEO Tamara Peluso's birthday, and wishing SXD v4lkyrie a fond farewell on her trip to Mars! Come on down to the Landing Pad for an energizing evening with friends and colleagues. Hope to see you there!

This is the first in a series of hopefully-regular dance events hosted at various spots on Eisa. We're going to aim for about two per month, depending on DJ availability and audience enthusiasm.

8 years ago by Samantha Wright

last updated: 2015-09-25 16:44:43 ยท link
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