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NanoSec Chief Wrath Mordkamm missing; sector police on high alert

After only four months since its re-opening, the offices at NanoSec Eisa are once more unlit.

Earlier this morning, Wrath vanished, taking with her a colony shuttle, enough emergency rations to last six months, half the department's budget for the next year, and several state-of-the-art weapons systems, also belonging to NanoSec. Forensic psychologist Dr. Ai Santei believes it was some sort of relapse.

"Well I suppose [...] we can't completely rule out the possibility of some sort of relapse. It's obvious that her priorities have suddenly shifted violently and that she no longer regards Eisa as a comfortable place to work—or even a safe place for that matter. Unless she's gone off to settle some sort of grudge I expect we'll hear in a few years that she's settled down somewhere distant and has calmed down."

Anna Wrath Mordkamm was born in Berlin as the cold war came to a close and tensions between the communist DDR and democratic government of Western Germany were at an all-time high. A child of the suburbs, her parents had no difficulty in sending her to university, but her ambitions lay elsewhere; within a few months of graduation, she had found herself in the military—but this was not to last, as a serious injury led to a double-arm amputation. To Wrath, this was surely a serious blow; friends we were able to interview explained that she received third-degree burns over most of her arms following the failure and explosion of an experimental engine design; unfortunately the German military has refused to release any details on the hardware in question.

While hospitalized, Anna (then already "Wrath" to her friends) must have faced a serious personal crisis as she was deprived of the opportunity to pursue her career of choice. We can only speculate on what caused her to pursue military duty immediately after finishing her university degree, but it is clear that her decision to earn her police training certification emerged as she was recovering from the implantation of her prosthetic arms.

She was a successful police officer for two years after this, as often noted by her colleagues and supervisors, but it was clear she was not satisfied with her work. Friends described her as bored, and perhaps a little haunted by the military career she was forced to abandon by her injuries. An escape for her came in 2006, when PPV Galactic's private security department took her on, offering her vastly superior pay, the opportunity to get off-world, and superior implants and prosthetics to the set she had used as a police officer.

But, according to Dr. Santei, it was the fire that defined her.

"To be honest, I'm very upset that she was allowed near SXD y0ko at all," Dr. Santei explained, speaking from her apartment on the upper tier late on Monday morning. "It's obvious that there's something in Wrath's past—whether it was the fire, something that happened while she was working in private security, or perhaps some event during college that ultimately motivated her to pursue such an austere, aggressive career—it's clear that she was always very troubled. Being expected to care for an SXD like that—one of the most vulnerable members of our society—is almost certainly a recipe for disaster."

As for whether we'll ever see her again, colony co-administrator Dr. Samantha Wright, who was working closely with Wrath on getting to the bottom of a recent bomb scare, is hesitant.

"I'm, er, well... Maybe? I respect her decision to move on; I really do. It's not easy to put up with what she's been through, and really I blame myself for not getting to know her better first before placing so many expectations on her. But that's really an endemic issue of security forces, isn't it? You have to grow a team, and you have to be able to trust that team a lot more than you would with, say, a research team or a sales team. There's a very personal story that has to develop there," she explained to Eisa Monthly early this afternoon. "I just hope she finds a way to keep herself happy."

8 years ago by Samantha Wright

last updated: 2015-09-28 13:18:45 · link
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