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Mysteries of Autumn on Eisa

By Samantha Bimbeaux, a.k.a. H3L

Some of you may be wondering why I've been... absent for the last few months. Some of you might be thinking 'Who are you and what are you doing in my house?' Sadly, I can't answer the latter question for you. The former, however, is a very complicated matter. Suffice it to say that I have returned after a great number of trials and some unorthodox personal growth. With that out of the way, let's get started.

With the onset of the autumn seasons here on our little slice of the cosmos, it comes as no surprise to see things taking a turn for the unusual. Unfortunately, this particular year seems to be turning a little too far. Glowing green rifts have been popping up around town and spewing small, wandering globs of light into our reality. Evidence says that these green holes in space are rifts to another dimension. Further study (and by further study, I mean taking several pot shots at some with a plasma pistol) shows that both the floating lights and the portals they spawn from are easily destroyed by concentrated weapons fire.

This Halloween season, so your part in keeping your hometown beautiful. Take your sweetheart out for a night on the town, have dinner, take in a show, and vent your frustrations on our uninvited guests with your favorite gun.

I know I'm going to.

7 years ago by Bimbeaux

last updated: 2016-09-25 15:48:45 ยท link
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