Linden grid account virginiaaujulii |
Family name Julii | Personal name Virginia | Middle name(s) Au |
Place of birth Olympia , Mars | Date of birth 1993-08-06 |
Served as a Lancer in the House Augustus, Mar's Society Navy specializing in clandestine operations.
Genetic modifications None Synthetic modifications None Reason for immigrating Virginia has special skill sets in clandestine operations that may be valuable to companies need enhanced security measures. Biography Virgina Au Julii is a currently a citizen, a gold, of Largos of Mars.
Having saved as a Lancer in the House Augustus, Mars Society Navy specializing in clandestine operations. Having made her fortune and complete her service, she comes to Eisa, to export her talents and skills.
last updated: 2018-06-02 12:19:11