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A typhoon has been building to the west of the Colony for several weeks, and it appears we're directly in its path. Residents of the lower level are strongly encouraged to make temporary evacuation plans, either to the Nanite Systems building or to the upper tier, for the next few days. Able-bodied robots and citizens are strongly encouraged to report to colony administration to volunteer for helping to secure key infrastructure during the typhoon. Flood waters as high as 5m above sea level are expected, as well as wind gusts over 200 km/h.

Eisa's equatorial belt, where the colony is located, is currently experiencing the heaviest rainy season on record. This is the second major storm we have had in the past few months, and it is likely that as the year progresses we will see even more severe challenges.

8 years ago by Samantha Wright

last updated: 2015-09-11 10:48:04 ยท link
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